Training Schedule

The athlete currently has 3 years of training experience on a structured resistance programme; according to Baechle and Earle (2008) this experience classes them as an advanced trainer. They state that an athlete currently in training, and that has been for over 1 year, will be able to complete between 4 – 7 sessions weekly during the off season. This couples with information gathered from Winkelman (2009) who states that well trained athletes’ will be able to perform between 4 – 6 sessions weekly. Taking this information into account along with the players’ vast experience in the area it has been selected that they shall complete a 6 day split training programme. With it being the off season the athlete finds themselves with much more spare time due to not having competition deadlines, in turn allowing them more time to recover. By completing the pre-habilitation and core stability exercises on a different day the athlete is able to work to a higher intensity without fatigue during every session as the core muscles used in the majority of exercises are given adequate rest (Chadd, 2010).

Table 1. Scheduled training sessions for a week